[빅데이터][스몰 데이터] 발렌타인 데이 분석 연습_ 진행중
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데이터를 다운로드 받아 R을 활용한 추가 분석 실시
## ----------------
## plotting google trends weekly data
## keyword == "valentineday" world
gt_vd <- read.xlsx("valentineday_K_02.xlsx", 1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
gt_vd$dweek <- as.Date(substr(gt_bd$Week, 1, 10))
gt_vd$valentinesday <- as.numeric(gt_vd$valentinesday)
gt_vd$gift <- as.numeric(gt_vd$gift )
gt_vd$boyf <- as.numeric(gt_vd$boyf )
gt_vd$girlf <- as.numeric(gt_vd$girlf )
require(ggplot2) ; require(scales) # essential
# -------------
# sample code to save output chart
# jpeg(filename = "big_Data_201401.jpeg",
# width = 960, height = 480, units = "px",
# pointsize = 14,
# quality = 100)
# attach(gt_vd)
# ggplot(gt_vd, aes(dweek, valentinesday)) + geom_line() + # scale_x_date(labels=date_format("%Y-%m" )) + xlab("") + # ylab("google trends index")
# dev.off()
# create timeseries chart
# to use only from 2010
gt_vd1 <- gt_vd[ as.numeric(substr(gt_vd$dweek,1,4))>=2010 , ]
ggplot(gt_vd1, aes(dweek, valentinesday)) + geom_line() + scale_x_date(labels=date_format("%Y-%m" )) + xlab("") + ylab("google trends index")
# yearly overlay comparison
gt_vd1 <- gt_vd[ as.numeric(substr(gt_vd$dweek,1,4))>=2010 , ]
gt_vd1$mon <- ifelse(as.numeric(substr(gt_vd1$dweek,23,24)<=3),
substr(gt_vd1$dweek, 6, 7), substr(gt_vd1$dweek, 19, 20))
gt_vd1$yr <- substr(gt_vd1$dweek, 1,4)
# require(sqldf)
gt_vd2 <- sqldf('select distinct yr, mon,
avg(valentinesday) as valentinesday ,
avg(gift) as gift ,
avg(boyf) as boyf ,
avg(girlf) as girlf
from gt_vd1 group by yr, mon
# location = south korea
ggplot(data = gt_vd2, aes(x=as.numeric(gt_vd2$mon), y=gt_vd2$valentinesday)) + geom_line(aes(colour=gt_vd2$yr))
# interpretation: gift fluctuates year by year
ggplot(data = gt_vd2, aes(x=as.numeric(gt_vd2$mon), y=gt_vd2$gift)) + geom_line(aes(colour=gt_vd2$yr)) + labs(title="Valentines Day")
# interpretation: girls dont care BF
ggplot(data = gt_vd2, aes(x=as.numeric(gt_vd2$mon), y=gt_vd2$boyf)) + geom_line(aes(colour=gt_vd2$yr)) + labs(title="BF")
# interpretation: boys DO care GF?
ggplot(data = gt_vd2, aes(x=as.numeric(gt_vd2$mon), y=gt_vd2$girlf)) + geom_line(aes(colour=gt_vd2$yr)) + labs(title="GF")
yr mon valentinesday gift boyf girlf ymoni
# analysis using modeling
# use regression to investigate relationships
gt_vd2$i_bfgf <- (gt_vd2$boyf - gt_vd2$girlf) / (gt_vd2$boyf + gt_vd2$girlf)
# we can consider other variables from other resources too
# we can expand analysis i_bfgf is an example
gt_vd2$ymoni <- as.numeric(as.character(gt_vd2$yr))+ (as.numeric(gt_vd2$mon)/(12*10))
fit_gift <- lm(gt_vd2$gift ~ as.numeric(gt_vd2$yr) + gt_vd2$ymoni + gt_vd2$boyf + gt_vd2$girlf + gt_vd2$i_bfgf + gt_vd2$valentinesday, data=gt_vd2)
summary(fit_gift ) # show results
# interpretation :: valentinesday.... is a critical event
# valentines day is just an one time event ... scarce!!
# analysis is not that reliable
# require(randomForest)
rf_gift = randomForest(gt_vd2$gift ~ as.numeric(gt_vd2$yr) + gt_vd2$ymoni + gt_vd2$boyf + gt_vd2$girlf + gt_vd2$i_bfgf + gt_vd2$valentinesday , data=gt_vd2, mrty=10 , importance=TRUE, do.trace=10, ntree=10000)
# this time, valentineday is the target
fit_vday <- lm(gt_vd2$valentinesday ~ as.numeric(gt_vd2$yr) + gt_vd2$ymoni + gt_vd2$boyf + gt_vd2$girlf + gt_vd2$i_bfgf + gt_vd2$gift, data=gt_vd2)
summary(fit_gift ) # show results
rf_vday = randomForest(gt_vd2$valentinesday ~ as.numeric(gt_vd2$yr) + gt_vd2$ymoni + gt_vd2$boyf + gt_vd2$girlf + gt_vd2$i_bfgf + gt_vd2$gift , data=gt_vd2, mrty=10 , importance=TRUE, do.trace=10, ntree=10000)
# interpretation : valentine's day is something for gift!!
# people google valentinesday is the signal of gift search
#-------- 결과 ----------
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